Jl. Universitas No.32, Kampus USU, Medan (061)-123456 s1kesmas@usu.ac.id

Evaluation of Thematic PBL Implementation, Collaboration of FKM USU with the PPKB Office of North Sumatra Province


Medan - FKM USU: Evaluation of the implementation of the Thematic Field Learning Practice (PBL) for Stunting Concerned Students which is a collaboration of FKM USU with the PPKB Office of North Sumatra Province was held on Thursday (29 December 2022) in the Auditorium of FKM USU. Present at the activity was the Head of the PPKB Office of North Sumatra Province, dr. Tengku Amri Fadli, M.Kes and Vice Dean I of FKM USU, Dr. Umi Salmah, S.K.M., M.Kes. The Thematic PBL of Stunting Concerned Students involving 294 FKM USU students was carried out in 6 districts/cities in North Sumatra Province, namely Medan, Binjai, Langkat, Tebing Tinggi, Batubara and Asahan. The First Vice Dean in this evaluation activity said that the thematic PBL had been completed and in the process, students were assisted by 23 Field Supervisors (DPL). On this occasion, 2 (two) FKM USU students shared their experiences regarding stunting problems while in the field, namely Fadhila Anissa Putri (K3 Specialization) and Jordan Gilang Gabriel Brahmana (AKK Specialization). According to the two students, the risk factors for stunting that they observed were related to parenting styles and the socioeconomic conditions of the family. At the event, a Thematic PBL Report of Students Concerned about Stunting was submitted from the Vice Dean 1 of the FKM USU to the North Sumatra Province PPKB Office which was received by the Head of the North Sumatra Province PPKB Office, dr. Tengku Amri Fadli, M. Kes.