Jl. Universitas No.32, Kampus USU, Medan (061)-123456 s1kesmas@usu.ac.id

FKM USU Won 1st Place in The Debate Competition at The Indonesian Public Health Olympiad (IPHO)


Medan - FKM USU : The FKM USU debate team consisting of Eriska Febriani Hutagaol and Elfi Irawati Br Sagala won 1st place in the debate competition at the Indonesian Public Health Olympiad (IPHO) event, where final took place at the FKM UI Jakarta on December 11th, 2022. Eriska Febriani Hutagaol also became the Best Speaker in the Debate Competition. In addition, in the quiz competition, the team consisting of Thessalonica Caroline Panggabean, Lusia Yani Nata Tampubolon, and Audrey Damayori P. Panggabean won 3rd place. As for Irene Febrianti Br. Tarigan won 1st place in the TikTok Education competition, Maghfira Syahruni, Rara Maura Hasibuan, and Aulianti Lukmana won 3rd place in the Health Information System Design competition. IPHO is a Public Health Olympiad initiated by the Association of Indonesian Public Health Higher Education Institutions (AIPTKMI). Through the theme "To Be Creative, Innovative and Critical Thinking as a Public Health Student," IPHO aims to develop the quality of public health students in terms of knowledge and technology, create a competitive and prestigious atmosphere healthily and moderately, demonstrate the active role of public health students throughout Indonesia, as well as a forum for honing the soft and hard skills of public health students at the national level. This Olympiad targets all public health students from state and private universities who are members of AIPTKMI in Indonesia.