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In 1982 in Indonesia there were only 2 (two) Faculty of Public Health (FKM), namely FKM UI in Jakarta (1965) and FKM UNHAS in Ujung Pandang (1982). At that time the two FKMs had not been able to produce the number of Bachelor of Public Health (SKM) needed to solve various health problems in Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to add FKM in Indonesia whose locations are spread out, namely by establishing 3 (three) other FKMs spread throughout the country, namely FKM UNAIR in Surabaya, FKM UNDIP in Semarang and FKM USU in Medan.

On June 1, 1983 arrived in Medan dr. Does Sampoerno, MPH as part of the “Consortium Health Sciences (CHS)” team to explore the possibilities and planning for the establishment of USU's FKM in Medan. The team met with the USU Chancellor, USU Medical Faculty Leaders, USU Medical Faculty Public Health Section, North Sumatra Provincial Health Office Head, North Sumatra Province Head of BKKBN and finally an agreement was reached that with the support of various agencies, the University of North Sumatra is willing and able to plan the opening of a Faculty Public Health. This is also considering that the potential at USU for both permanent and non-permanent teaching staff is sufficient. Also in accordance with Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 27 of 1981 Chapter III concerning Faculty Arrangements at State Universities which explains that the Faculty of Medicine can be developed into the Faculty of Public Health.

To realize the process of establishing this FKM, the Chancellor of USU, Prof. Dr. A.P. Parlindungan, SH formed the Committee for the Establishment of the Faculty of Public Health chaired by dr. Bachtiar Fanani Lubis as the Dean of the USU Faculty of Medicine with Decree No. 334/PT05/SK/C.83 dated 22 September 1983. Various recommendations that supported the establishment of USU's FKM were from the Head of the Health Regional Office of North Sumatra Province, the Head of the BKKBN of North Sumatra Province, the Chairman of the Medan Municipal DPRD and the Governor of North Sumatra Province. Since then, various activities, both regional and national, have been initiated.

Activities carried out in welcoming the establishment of the USU FKM include the preparation of the USU FKM Five-Year Development Plan, curriculum preparation, additions and improvements

quality of teaching staff carried out both at home and abroad, providing facilities and facilities, and conducting various seminars and workshops.

On 27 August 1984 the USU Chancellor sent a letter Number: 8523/PT05/C.84 to the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture regarding a request for permission to open a USU FKM in Medan. South Sulawesi with the aim of uniforming the curriculum in general. Furthermore, on 13-15 December 1984 in Bandungan Semarang, a National Seminar on Management of FKM was held and it was mutually agreed that for the three new Public Health Study Programs for a while before the opening of the USU FKM, UNDIP FKM, and FKM UNAIR, each Faculty of Medicine is entrusted with managing the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program (PSKM). The basis for opening the USU Medical Faculty PSKM is the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture No. 11/Dikti/Kep/1985 dated March 20, 1985 regarding the Opening of the Public Health Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine, University of North Sumatra.

On April 9, 1985 the Chancellor of USU with Decree No. 186/PT05/ SK/C.85 has formed a team for the Management of the Undergraduate Public Health Sciences Study Program, Faculty of Medicine USU with the composition:

Responsible : dr. Bachtiar Fanani Lubis

Chairman : dr. Rozaini Nasution, SKM

Secretary for Academic Affairs : dr. Nasap Sembiring, SKM

Secretary for Administration. & Finance : dr. Zainal Rasyid, SKM

Secretary for Student Affairs : dr. David H. Simanjuntak

On July 31, 1985 the Chancellor of USU inaugurated the Public Health Study Program of the USU Faculty of Medicine (PSKM FK-USU). The curriculum of the S1 Public Health Study Program is adjusted to the curriculum of the Undergraduate Education Program in the Public Health Sector (Decree of the Director General of Higher Education DepDikBud RI No.26/DJ/Kep/1983). USU) accepted 18 students from Academy graduates (Nurses, Health and Nutrition Inspectors) and these students had completed their studies on August 1, 1987. In the following academic year 1986/1987 17 students graduated from the academy were also accepted. In the academic year 1987/1988, they started accepting high school graduates through the SIPENMARU exam. The number of students accepted in the academic year was 58 people, 38 high school graduates and 20 academy graduates.

Based on the decision of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 0376/O/1993 dated October 21, 1993 regarding the opening of the Faculty of Public Health at the University of North Sumatra, USU's FKM was established as the 10th faculty at the University of North Sumatra. The inauguration of the opening was carried out by the Minister of Education and Culture on January 25, 1994.

Initially, the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program used the facilities of the USU Faculty of Medicine building in the form of lecture rooms, computer rooms, reading rooms, and discussion rooms. In 1988 the entire Study Program moved to a new building with an area of ​​2400 m2. In 1996 FKM-USU received an additional three-story building with an area of ​​2400 m2, bringing the total area of ​​the FKM-USU building to 4800 m2. As of January 12, 2009 the USU FKM reading room was moved from the third floor to the first floor of building B and turned into a library. USU Center Branch of USU's FKM, thus its management and functions are the same as USU's Central Library. In addition, on August 17, 2009 an open learning facility called the "Academic Studio" was inaugurated with an area of ​​200 m2.

Since the academic year 1985/1986 for 10 years, PSKM FK USU/FKM USU has implemented the curriculum that was prepared at the National Seminar on Undergraduate Public Health Curriculum in Malino, South Sulawesi. Starting from the 1996/1997 academic year, USU's FKM implemented a curriculum based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 0310/U/1994 dated November 30, 1984 regarding the nationally applicable curriculum for the Bachelor of Health Sciences Program. Starting from the 2006/2007 academic year after the approval of the Faculty Advisory Council (DPF) meeting on 9 May 2006, followed by the issuance of the USU Chancellor's Decree Number: 888/JO5/SK/PP/2006 dated 20 June 2006 regarding the Determination of the Undergraduate Education Curriculum ( S1) Public Health Study Program Extension Class at the Faculty of Public Health, University of North Sumatra, and USU Chancellor's Decree Number: 889/JO5/SK/PP/2006 dated June 20, 2006 regarding the Determination of the Undergraduate Education Curriculum (S1) for the Regular Class Public Health Study Program and Independent Regular at the Faculty of Public Health, University of North Sumatra. USU's FKM has started implementing a new curriculum, namely the Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK), referring to Article 37 paragraph (2), Article 38 paragraph (3) and paragraph (4) of Law Number 20 of 2003, concerning the National Education System, Article 9 of Regulation Government of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2005 concerning National Education Standards.

With the issuance of the USU Chancellor's Decree No. 929/H5.1.R/SK/PRS/2009 dated 11 May 2009 concerning the Establishment of a Doctoral Program (S3) Public Health Studies Program at the University of North Sumatra which in its stipulation established a Doctoral Program (S3) Public Health Studies Program at the Faculty USU Public Health, followed by the USU Chancellor's Decree Number 1465/H5.1.R/SK/SDM/2009 dated August 12, 2009 regarding the Appointment of the Chair and Secretary of the Masters (S2) and Doctoral (S3) Public Health Sciences Study Programs at the Faculty of Health Society of the University of North Sumatra, USU Chancellor's Decree No. 1535/H5.1.R/SK/PRS/ 2009 dated August 18, 2009 regarding the Determination of the Masters Study Program in Health Administration and Policy, Industrial Environmental Health Management, and Public Health Sciences as a Study Program (S-2) Public Health Sciences at the Faculty of Health Society of the University of North Sumatra, thus the Faculty of Public Health, University of North Sumatra currently manages the Strata-1 Public Health Study Program (PS Code: 13-201), Strata-2 (PS Code: 13-101) and Strata-3 (PS Code: 13-101) PS: 13-001).

As a follow-up to the Self-Evaluation related to the Accreditation of the Strara-1 Public Health Study Program which had been submitted to BAN PT DepDikNas, a team of BAN PT assessors had also visited in July 2009 a Curriculum Evaluation Workshop was held with the topic "Completion of Competency Based Curriculum Implementation" on 28-29 July 2009 at the Sibayak Hotel, Berastagi. Curriculum evaluation continues at the USU FKM campus until a substantial and comprehensive study and study produces an appropriate curriculum that can be applied as an instrument for Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM). The results of the reaccreditation of the Public Health Study Program (S1) have been obtained based on the Decree of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number: 027/BAN-PT/Ak-XII/S1/IX/2009 concerning Status, Ranking and Accreditation Results of Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education, September 11 2009, with a B grade.

As long as the USU Medical Faculty's Public Health Study Program (PSKM) status is led by Prof. dr. Rozaini Nasution, SKM as Head of the Study Program, and on February 10, 1994 he was inaugurated as the first Dean of FKM-USU for the period 1994-1997. On June 7, 1997, dr. Achsan Harahap, MPH as the second Dean of FKM-USU for the period 1997-2000 (first period), and on June 10, 2000 dr. Achsan Harahap, MPH was again inaugurated for the period 2000-2004 (second period), then the Dean dr. Achsan Harahap, MPH was extended in accordance with the USU Chancellor's Decree Number 630/JO5/SK/KP/2004, dated May 19, 2004 as an adjustment to the change in the status of USU's PTN to PT BHMN USU. On Tuesday, June 28, 2005 dr. Ria Masniari Lubis, MSi was inaugurated by the Chancellor of USU as Dean of USU's FKM for the period 2005-2010 by Decree No. 759/JO5/SK/KP/2005, dated June 23, 2005. Since July 2010 the Dean of USU's FKM was replaced by Dr. Drs. Surya Utama, M.S based on the USU Chancellor's Decree Number 2048/H5.1.R/SK/SDM/2010, dated July 7, 2010. Since May 2016 the Dean of USU's FKM was replaced by Prof. Dr. Dra. Ida Yustina, M.Si. based on the USU Chancellor's Decree Number 838 /UN5.1.R/SK/SDM/2016, dated May 16, 2016. Since May 2021 the Dean of USU's FKM was replaced by Prof. Dr. Dra. Ida Yustina, M.Si. based on the USU Chancellor's Decree Number 1872/ UN5.1.R/SK/SDM/2021, dated May 17, 2021.


  1.  Prof. dr. Rozaini Nasution, SKM (1994-1997)

  2. dr. Achsan Harahap, MPH (1997-2004)

  3. dr. Ria Masniari Lubis, Msi (2005-2010)

  4. Dr. Drs. Surya Utama, M.S (2010-2015)

  5. Prof. Dr. Dra. Ida Yustina, M.Si. (2016-2021)