Assistance in Update SINTA Data of FKM USU Lecturer

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Medan - FKM USU: Lembaga Inovasi Penulisan Ilmiah dan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (LIPIHKI) assisted in updating the SINTA data for FKM USU lecturers, Tuesday (16 August 2022). The activity which took place at FKM USU Auditorium was opened by Vice Dean III, Ir. Etti Sudaryati, M.K.M., Ph.D. The LIPIHKI team that attended consisted of Niskarto Zendrato, S.Kom., M.Kom., Wida Akasah, S.Agr., M.Sc., and Anandini Medianty Nababan, S.Kom., M.T. The team assisted in updating and synchronizing data for SINTA, WOS, Scopus, Publons, GARUDA, Google Scholar, and ORCID which became an illustration of lecturer productivity data in research. Updating the SINTA data is one of the activities to support USU to enter World Class University. The lecturer's SINTA account must use USU's email so that the lecturer's research data can be identified. The mentoring activity for updating the SINTA data went smoothly and the data for the FKM USU lecturers had been updated in the SINTA database.