Jl. Universitas No.32, Kampus USU, Medan (061)-123456 s1kesmas@usu.ac.id

Socialization of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program

Medan-FKM USU: The Public Health Undergraduate Study Program FKM USU conducted online socialization for high school students or equivalent, Tuesday, 05/24/2022. The resource persons in this activity are Dr. Ir. Evi Naria, M.Kes. (Head of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program FKM USU) and Dodi Saputra Hutagalung, S.K.M. as alumni. The socialization was held so that high school students and equivalents could get accurate and complete information about the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program FKM USU. Evi Naria explained that the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program accepts new students through three entry routes, namely: first, the National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN) which uses academic achievement scores while studying at the equivalent high school; second, the Joint Selection for State Higher Education Entrance (SBMPTN) which is carried out simultaneously throughout Indonesia; and third, the Independent Entrance Selection of USU (SMM USU) which is carried out independently by the USU committee. On that occasion, Dodi shared his experiences while studying at FKM USU until he was able to achieve various achievements. According to Dodi, FKM USU is a campus that opens maximum opportunities for students to develop themselves and excel, both academically and non-academically. The socialization was moderated by Winni R.E. Tumanggor, S.K.M., M.P.H., who is also a lecturer for the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program FKM USU. The socialization activity which was attended by more than 100 participants ended with the awarding of door prizes to appreciate several participants who gave the best questions during the discussion session.