Jl. Universitas No.32, Kampus USU, Medan (061)-123456 s1kesmas@usu.ac.id

Community Service in Bogak Village, Tanjung Tiram, Batu Bara Regency

Medan-FKM USU: A total of three lecturers of FKM USU, namely Winni R. E. Tumanggor, S.K.M., M.P.H., Ir. Indra Chahaya, S., M.Sc., and drh. Hiswani, M.Kes. and one lecturer from Fasilkom-TI USU, Rossy Nurhasanah, S.Kom. M.Kom. carried out community service in Bogak Village, Tanjung Tiram District, Batu Bara Regency (Wednesday, 06 July 2022). This service activity also involved 2 (two) alumni and 12 students of the Public Health Study Program FKM USU. The service entitled "Efforts to Adapt to Climate Change through Atteropoly Children's Game Media" was held in Bogak Village, Tanjung Tiram District, Batu Bara Regency. Present on this occasion were the Village Secretary, the Leader of the Al-Qur'an Education House Miftahul Jannah, and the children of Bogak Village as participants in the service activity. This activity was opened by the Secretary of Bogak Village, Hanafi Suanda. Hanafi welcomes this service activity and hopes that the children who take part in the service activity can apply the knowledge that has been obtained. The activity was continued with counseling on climate change adaptation through waste management and education about playing while learning through the media game "Atteropoly". The playing method used is to modify the monopoly game with content related to waste management as an effort to adapt to climate change that occurs due to a large amount of garbage in the environment. Participants who took part in this activity reached 64 children who were very enthusiastic about the method of playing that was held. The activity ended by giving trophies to the best participants and giving gifts and certificates to all children participating in community service activities.