Community Service in Pangkalan Masyhur Village, Medan Johor

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Medan-FKM USU: Two lecturers of FKM USU Ir. Etti Sudaryati, MKM, Ph.D and Dra. Nurmaini, MKM, Ph.D held community service activities targeting PKK cadres in Pangkalan Masyhur Village, Medan Johor District, Medan City, Wednesday (20 July 2022). This service activities were counselling and training on the use of food flour technology for creative businesses. This activity involved one student from IKM Doctoral Study Program and four students from Undergraduate Public Health Study Program of FKM USU, while 35 PKK cadres participated. The event was opened by the Village Head of Pangkalan Masyhur, Rivai Ramadhana Harahap accompanied by the head of  TP PKK Wina Aggrina, both were welcomed in this service activity and hoped that PKK cadres could use it in creating creative businesses. On this occasion the service team also provided flour equipment assistance to the PKK cadres which was expected to be used to make processed food ingredients that could be marketed, as well as to fulfill additional food for toddlers and pregnant women at the posyandu.