Jl. Universitas No.32, Kampus USU, Medan (061)-123456 s1kesmas@usu.ac.id

Workshop “GIS for Visualization Public Health Information”


Medan - FKM USU: FKM USU held a workshop with the theme “GIS for Visualization of Public Health Information” on Tuesday (May 28, 2024), at the FKM USU Auditorium. The workshop was attended by 30 undergraduate students, with the speaker being a senior health administrator from the North Sumatra Provincial Health Office, Frans Yosep Sitepu, M.P.H. In her opening remarks, the Head of the Undergraduate Public Health Program, Dr. Ir. Evi Naria, M.Kes., expressed hope that this workshop would equip students with the ability to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a tool for analyzing spatial data. Participants enthusiastically followed the workshop, which covered basic GIS concepts, hands-on practice using GPS applications on mobile phones, and practical sessions using Quantum GIS for spatial data processing. The event was moderated by Lecturer FKM USU Winni R.E. Tumanggor, S.K.M., M.P.H.