Jl. Universitas No.32, Kampus USU, Medan (061)-123456 s1kesmas@usu.ac.id

Inauguration of BEM FKM USU 2023/2024 Period


Medan - FKM USU: Vice Dean I of FKM USU Dr. Umi Salmah, SKM, M. Kes inaugurated the management of the  Student Executive Board (BEM) FKM USU for the 2023/2024 period, on Friday (November, 24 2023) at the FKM USU' Auditorium. There were 65 administrators who were appointed, with the chairman Fahruza Angkat and Kurnia Hidayat as deputy. The management of BEM FKM USU for this period carries the name "Regeneration Cabinet" which is interpreted as a spirit of positive change and determination to bring about changes that restore and renew. BEM FKM USU consists of 8 (eight) divisions, namely Strategic Studies and Advocacy, Information and Communication Network, Human Resources Development, Community Service, Research and Development, Entrepreneurship, Interests and Talents, and Public Relations. Dr. Umi Salmah, SKM, M. Kes in her speech expressed her hope that  BEM FKM USU would be able to become a forum for aspirations for all FKM USU students.