Jl. Universitas No.32, Kampus USU, Medan (061)-123456 s1kesmas@usu.ac.id

Public Health Undergraduate Study Program Roadshow to SMAN 1 Stabat


Medan - FKM USU: Public Health Undergraduate Study Program FKM USU held a roadshow to SMAN 1 Stabat, Friday (16 February 2024). This roadshow is a work program carried out by the study programs at FKM USU. Meanwhile, the roadshow for the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program was led by the Head of the Study Program, Dr. Ir. Evi Naria, M.Kes.,  accompanied by the Secretary of Study Program dr. Rusmalawaty, M.Kes. together with the Public Relations Division of the Student Executive Board FKM USU. Principal of SMAN 1 Stabat Drs. Nano Prihatin, M.Psi, welcomed this activity because it was very useful for students to find out more about Public Health Undergraduate Study Program. This roadshow explains the profile of the study program, facilities and infrastructure, entrance to the institutions, as well as job prospects for public health graduates. The activity continued with a discussion where the students' enthusiasm was seen from the many questions asked.