Career Development 2.0 “Be Ready to Upscale Yourself”

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Medan - FKM USU: Pusat Prestasi Mahasiswa Terpadu (Puspita) FKM USU held a Career Development 2.0 Seminar with the theme "Be Ready to Upscale Yourself", Wednesday (8 May 2024) in the FKM USU Auditorium. The resource persons are FKM USU alumni, namely Lt. KC Erdianta Sitepu, S.K.M., M. Han. (Health Epidemiologist at North Sumatra Provincial Health Service) and Dani Pramana Damanik, S.K.M. (Professional Trainer PPT MSDM Kuncoro Leadership Training and Consulting and Teacher at SMA Islam Plus Adzkia). The seminar was attended by FKM USU Period III graduates T.A. 2023/2024. Head of the FKM USU Public Health Undergraduate Study Program, Dr. Ir. Evi Naria, M. Kes. when opening the seminar said that this activity was carried out periodically with the aim of increasing the insight of FKM USU graduates in facing the world of work. The two speakers also shared experiences and tips that can help graduates improve their competencies, apply for jobs, and be successful in their careers. The moderator for this seminar was FKM USU Teaching Staff Izzah Dienillah Saragih, S.K.M., M. Epid.