General Lecture “Potential Functional Foods for Obesity Control”

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Medan - FKM USU: Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Nutrition Higher Education Institutions (AIPGI) Prof. Dr. Hardinsyah, M.S gave a general lecture on the topic “Potential Functional Foods for Obesity Control”, on Wednesday (May 08, 2024) at the Auditorium FKM USU. This general lecture was attended by lecturers and students of the Nutrition Undergraduate Program and Public Health Undergraduate Program of FKM USU.  In his presentation, Prof. Hardinsyah, who is also the Chairperson of the Indonesian Food Nutrition Association (Pergizi Pangan Indonesia), conveyed various potential foods that help reduce fat and control obesity. He also emphasized the need for introspection in carrying out an obesity control diet and a wise attitude in responding to any information to avoid existing myths and hoaxes.