Jl. Universitas No.32, Kampus USU, Medan (061)-123456 s1kesmas@usu.ac.id

Release of Retired Lecturers and Prospective Hajj Pilgrims 1444 H


Medan - FKM USU:  The release ceremony for 3 (three) FKM USU lecturers who were entering their retirement period was held at the FKM USU Auditorium on Thursday (2 May 2023). The three lecturers are dr. Mhd. Makmur Sinaga, M.S., Dr. Dra. Jumirah, Apt., M. Kes., and dr. Surya Dharma, M.P.H. The event was also filled with Halal bi halal and the release of four FKM USU lecturers who will perform the pilgrimage in 2023 (1444 H), namely Prof. Drs. Heru Santosa, MS, Ph.D, Dr. Lita Sri Andayani, SKM, M. Kes., Dr. dr. Taufik Ashar, M.K.M, and Dr. Isyatun Mardhiyah Syahri, SKM, M. Kes. Dean of FKM USU Prof. Dr. Dra. Ida Yustina, M.Si., in her remarks, expressed her gratitude to the lecturers entering retirement for their contributions to advancing FKM USU. For the lecturers who will perform the pilgrimage, Prof. Ida prays that their voyages will go smoothly and be given health and blessings from Allah SWT for everything. On that occasion, FKM USU gave souvenirs to retired lecturers and those who would perform the pilgrimage.