Jl. Universitas No.32, Kampus USU, Medan (061)-123456 s1kesmas@usu.ac.id
Dra. Syarifah, MS.
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara
NIP. 196112191987032002 / NIDN. 0019126107

Research Area

Health Education and Behavioral Science


Research Profile
Lecturer at the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara, with the current functional position being Lector at the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program. The scientific field that is occupied is health education and behavioral science. The following are some of the studies that have been carried out in recent years:
  1. DRPM Research 2019, Medication Adherence Model for Drug-Resistant TB Patients and Prevention of Transmission to Families Through Higher Education-Based Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in Medan City in 2017-2019.
  2. USU TALENTA Research 2020, Analysis of the Application of the Reminder SMS Model to Increase Medication Compliance with MDR TB Patients in Deli Serdang Regency.
  3. DRPM Research 2020, Model for Reducing the Incidence of Pulmonary TB Transmission in Detention Centers / Correctional Institutions in North Sumatra Province.
  4. TALENTA Research 2021, Implementation of SOSA Bottles Containing Lysol Lemongrass Aroma to Reduce the Risk of Transmission and Compliance with Treatment of TB Sufferers in North Tapanuli Regency.
  5. DRPM Research 2021, Research Model for Reducing the Incidence of Pulmonary TB Transmission in Detention Hospitals / Correctional Institutions in North Sumatra Province.
  6. DRPM Research 2021, Community-Based Incentive Methods to Increase Husband's Role in Maternal Health in North Tapanuli and Nias Regencies in 2021-2023
Educational Background

Undergraduate Level

Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Medan


Master's Degree

Universitas Airlangga

Public Health Science

Selected Publication