Jl. Universitas No.32, Kampus USU, Medan (061)-123456 s1kesmas@usu.ac.id
dr. Rusmalawaty, M.Kes.
Secretary of Undergraduate Program in Public Health
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara
NIP. 197508042002122001 / NIDN. 0004087502

Research Area

Administration and Health Policy


Research Profile
Has worked as a lecturer since 2002 and is currently a permanent lecturer in the Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Public Health, University of North Sumatra, specializing in Health Administration and Policy with the functional position of Lector. Research has been conducted in Hospital Administration with the title Philanthropic Preference in Hospital Funding in North Sumatra (2020), Model Organization Citizenship Behavior among Health Workers at the University of North Sumatra Hospital (2019). Previously, he was a member of the research on the Relationship between the Role of Schools in Monitoring Nutrition with Physical Activity and Eating Patterns and Nutritional Status of School Children in Cities Medan (2016) and the Model of the Relationship between Air Quality and Temperature in Classrooms with Natural Ventilation in Hot Humid Tropical Climate (2015), Determinants of Health Financing Patterns and Patterns of Seeking Health Services During Pregnancy, Labor and Postpartum in Natal District, Mandailing Natal District 2013.
Educational Background

Undergraduate Level

Universitas Sumatera Utara

General Medicine

Master's Degree

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Public Health Science

Selected Publication