Jl. Universitas No.32, Kampus USU, Medan (061)-123456 s1kesmas@usu.ac.id
Dr. Ernawati Nasution, SKM., M.Kes.
Head of Nutrition Laboratory
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara
NIP. 197002121995012001 / NIDN. 0012027004

Research Area

Public Health Nutrition


Research Profile
Currently working as a lecturer at the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara with the title of Associate Professor. The field of science that is the focus is the health nutrition community with an interest in research on the nutrition of breastfeeding mothers, nutrition of elementary school children, and eating patterns to prevent non-communicable diseases. Research conducted related to nutritional adequacy and quality of breast milk of breastfeeding mothers with the incidence of anemia in infants, besides that is also related to nutritional adequacy and diet of breastfeeding mothers with mother's bone density. Research activities that have been and are being carried out are the Implementation of the 3 GERMAS Priorities (Physical Activity, Consumption of Vegetables and Fruits, and Periodic Health Checks) In Efforts Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases in the Millennial Generation Using Applications Smartphones in Medan City (DRPM Ministry of Education and Culture, 2018), Analysis of Children's Food Consumption Food Obesity Elementary School Using the Optifood Application in Medan City (LP, 2019). Obesity Prevention in Elementary School Children with Overnutrition in Medan City (Dissertation, 2020), Effects of Using Culinary Accounts in Instagram Media on Patterns Meal for Students of SMK Negeri 2 Binjai (2022).
Educational Background

Undergraduate Level

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Public Health

Master's Degree

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Public Health Science


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Public Health Science

Selected Publication